Thursday, September 5, 2019

Al Soudah Season #YaHdventour in #fABHAlous ABHA!

Just a single scroll upright of IG account instantaneously caught Yahamads attention by the colorful ads of #saudiseason #alsoudahseason (means hanna black season) and brings out our adrenaline rush staring at the ticket bookings of extreme game activities particularly Paragliding, Sling Shot, Bungee jumping and ofcourse Zipline whilst at the edge of Al Soudah mountain! (one of the highest peak in KSA)

Ready or not, #yahamadteam automatically grab our atm cards and booked in a minute via #flyadeal, random hotels and alsoudah season rides and before you know it.....we are there in awe shookt by a majestic overlooking view, 16 °C air, dreamy fog, nice music and overall colorful flowerfull (flowerman) event location on top of the mountain. (fyi: albaik blows our minds too unexpectedly found cabin tempo branch there @abha) 😍

Of course #teamyahamads check all the event sites as shown in the  map provided  online and queued for an amazing Zipline and Paragliding. There are also about 7 activities which are freakin Free! including the Rope Course games and Trekking.

So  thereyou go,  have a look of our #alsoudahseason journey including exploring Abha heritage on all social media apps by searching YaHamadpH....and, #alsoudahseason website ( Shokran! 😘

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